
Itdescribesthechangestolightreflectedfromamagnetizedsurface.ItisusedinmaterialsscienceresearchindevicessuchastheKerrmicroscope,to ...,2009年9月9日—柯爾磁光效應(Magneto-OpticalKerrEffect,MOKE)國立彰化師範大學物理所陳建淼研究生/國立彰化師範大學物理學系洪連輝教授責任編輯.,Themagneto-opticalKerreffect(MOKE)iswidelyusedinresearchandindustrialapplicationstoassessthemagneticpropertiesofmaterials,sinc...


It describes the changes to light reflected from a magnetized surface. It is used in materials science research in devices such as the Kerr microscope, to ...


2009年9月9日 — 柯爾磁光效應(Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect , MOKE) 國立彰化師範大學物理所陳建淼研究生/國立彰化師範大學物理學系洪連輝教授責任編輯.

Field-dependent magneto

The magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is widely used in research and industrial applications to assess the magnetic properties of materials, since in a first- ...

Fundamentals of Magneto

由 K Sato 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 9 次 — If the magnetization is normal to the reflection plane, it is called the polar Kerr effect as shown in (a). If the magnetization lies in a plane ...

Large magneto

由 T Higo 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 325 次 — The magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) has been intensively studied in a variety of ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials as a powerful probe ...

Extreme anti-reflection enhanced magneto

由 D Kim 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 30 次 — Here, we show that extreme anti-reflection (EAR) dramatically improves the performance and functionality of MOKE microscopy. For 1-nm-thin Co ...


在物理學中,磁光克爾效應(英語:Magneto-optic Kerr effect,縮寫: MOKE)或表面磁光克爾效應(SMOKE)是磁光效應之一。 它描述了從磁化表面反射後的光的變化。